This is the web page for the week three activity. You're going to make it more interesting with Javascript!
You need to programmatically display the text value of the this element in tb You will probably need to go look at the source HTML and figure out what would be the most effective way to get the element in the previous sentence. It will be tricky!
First | Last | Occupation |
Bruce | Wayne | The Batman |
Clark | Kent | Superman |
Diana | Prince | Wonder Woman |
Peter | Parker | Spiderman |
Þórr | ðunor | Thor |
Carol | Danvers | Captain Marvel |
Tony | Stark | Iron Man |
Logan | Logan | Wolverine |
Natasha | Romanova | Black Widow |
Thanos | Thanos | Thanos |
I had add some interactive based on task1,2,3! You need to carefully find it or you won't see!